Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wacky Websites DIY Quest


-I think this website is a hoax because of the ridiculous products being advertised such as the phone with two handsets and the electronic bidet built into a toilet seat. These products are obviously fake, and almost entirely pointless. 


-This website is clearly a fake. Although at first the author seems to give valid evidence for the existence of "tree octopuses" by providing information like the average size and origin of such an animal, it becomes increasingly obvious that the author really isn't all that knowledgeable about said "octpouses" considering that the plural form of the word "octopus" is octopi. Later in the article, the author states that the main predator of the tree octopus is the sasquatch. I think this goes without saying: this website is a hoax! 


-At first sight, this website looks legitimate. However, a closer look at the advertisements on the page reveal that this is a very well-thought-out hoax. They are trying to say that they came up with a pill that makes you need only twelve minutes of sleep. Also there is a link on the webpage to a video podcast called "When Men are Pregnant." Obviously men do not get pregnant and we need a lot more than twelve minutes of sleep, so this website is completely ridiculous.


-This website is absolutely absurd. They are trying to tell you to send your dog to "Dog Island" so that your dog can be happy for once in its miserable stressful life and discover what it has been missing out on all its life. They advertise that the dogs have almost unlimited space to roam around in and there are plenty of natural prey running around such as rabbits and rodents. They also say that if you are really rich and have money to blow then you can send your dog to vacation island, which is a three week retreat that you can enjoy with your dog. After the three weeks is up though, you and your dog will never be as happy together again. 


-At first this website looked fake, but when I looked it up on Yelp it turns out it actually is a real place.  There are tons of visitor reviews on the Yelp page, and there is also an address; This silly-sounding museum is located in Culver City, California. Apparently the museum is full of random artifacts that don't really go together or make any sense. This website actually looked like it was fake at first, but after a little more research it proved to be legitimate. 


-Right away, we can tell that this article is real due to the fact that it is a .gov, meaning that the United States government sponsors it, and not just anybody can create a .gov website-- so this website seems real, even though the medical "issue" presented seems completely ridiculous.  


-I think this website is actually real. It says that it is the only scientific research organization exploring the Bigfoot mystery. I know that there are many groups of people that believe the Sasquatch is real, among them groups of scientists who are trying to prove that the theory is accurate.  


-This fake organization is just plain stupid. It is all about people trying to prove that the egg came first. When I googled the term "ovaprimatology" it came up with a bunch of results about the Ova Prime internet hoax; it isn't even a real word! Although the website looks presentable, the content is absurd. 

-Pawnee, Indiana, is the fictional setting of the NBC comedy series "Parks and Recreation." The website didn't look very convincing so I googled the city and found out that it is fake. 


 -Although I was unable to access this webpage due to its unavailability, it is obviously a hoax: it isn't possible to translate for dogs!!

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