Saturday, December 8, 2012

Letter To The Editor

Dear Margaret Carlson,

I do not think it is a good idea for our government to issue National Identification Cards.  Although in certain situations such cards may prove helpful, I do not think they would be effective enough to make American citizens feel safer.  For example, if somebody got pulled over on the highway the officer would not need to go through all the hassle of requesting a driver's license and proof of insurance, all he would need to do is request the driver's National Identification Card; with one easy swipe the officer would have every bit of information he could ever need to know about the person.  This being said, sure the card may make things quicker and more convenient for people, however could you imagine the impending doom if the ID Card of the President of the United States got into the hands of terrorists?  What would happen if the wrong people got their hands on these cards?  Hysteria would overwhelm the country and people would definitely not be satisfied or feel safer.  The National Identification Card is NOT a good idea for our country. 


Tegan Condet 

Work Cited

Carlson, Margaret. "The Case for a National ID Card." TIME 14 January 2002. Rpt. in What Matters in                     America: Reading and Writing About Contemporary Culture Ed. Gary Goshgarian. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson, 2012. 79-81. Print.

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